Psalm 14:1-3 (Mark Hong)

“Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? Who may live on your holy mountain? The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart; whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, and casts no slur on others”
- Psalm 14:1-3 -

Psalm 15 seems to set an impossibly high standard: a perfect life in word and deed (v 2). We should view it through a gospel lens and think of it first as a picture of Jesus’ way of life. He completely fulfills the challenge these verses give. In thought, word, and deed, he was perfectly pure. Then – wonder of wonders – he went to the cross for you and me. Some Bible versions have ‘sanctuary’ as a translation in verse 1, but ‘sacred tent’ is more accurate. It reminds us that, at a time when people lived in tents, God came and dwelled symbolically in a tent with them, thus prefiguring the incarnation when God’s Son came and ‘tabernacled’ among sinful humanity. Because Jesus has come to us and died for us we really can ‘dwell’ with God for he has made his home with us. This psalm, viewed from a New Testament perspective, is full of grace and full of gospel. Jesus’ fulfillment of it is a beacon of hope for all those who put their trust in him.

Understanding this, we are ready to respond to the call to holy living; in particular, to hear the challenge to have integrity (vs 2–5). Jesus always did what was right ‘even when it hurt’ (see v 4). We are to follow his example of integrity, applying this principle to every dimension of our lives, for instance, our financial conduct (v 5). This psalm encourages us to live in ways that are fitting for those who know God.

Apply: Thank God that you can ‘dwell’ with him. Ask him to sharpen your Christian living so you become more like the one who ‘tabernacled’ among us.

Prayer: Lord, I know I talk too much. Put a filter on my tongue so that my words build up rather than tear down.

(From Encounter with God)