1 Corinthians 15:58 (Mark Hong)

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
- 1 Corinthians 15:58 -

When we respond in heartfelt praise of Christ's victory over the death, is anything else required of us?

In verse 58 Paul gives us two applications.

First, he once again encourages us to ‘stand firm’. What in the world compares to this? No philosophy, no formulaic religion, no idols such as consumerism or materialism should draw us away. We are urged to ‘Let nothing move’ us. Here we take our stand on the life-Changing, eternal gospel.

Second, we are challenged to give ourselves unstintingly to God’s work. ‘Labor’ carries overtones of back- breaking toil. Perhaps this is how you feel about the work God has called you to do right now? Allow verse 58 to speak to you and God’s Spirit to strengthen you. The labor is tough, but what a cause and what a reward! There are many who start well in the Christian life but then stumble and fall, sometimes dropping out of the discipleship race altogether. Let’s finish well, depending on God’s extraordinary, amazing grace to us in his risen Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.

Apply: Is there an aspect of the work to which God has called you, which at the moment is tough? Pray that God will strengthen you to continue your ‘labor’.

Prayer: Yes Lord, thanks indeed! Thanks to you for the victory that is mine, in and through Christ Jesus my Lord.

(From Encounter with God)