Matthew 18:32-33 (Mark Hong)

“Then the master called the servant in. ‘You wicked servant,’ he said, ‘I canceled all that debt of yours because you begged me to. Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?’”
- Matthew 18:32-33 -

Resentment and lack of forgiveness carry sad spiritual consequences. Our relationship with God becomes dry and unreal. ‘Is there someone you will not forgive?’ is a pertinent question to ask if we feel our walk with God has become pedestrian. Unlimited forgiveness is to be offered to any brother or sister who has offended you.

The parable of canceling the ten thousand talent debt shows the king extending amazing mercy to the man’s incalculable debt. Astonishing grace – and see how God acts toward those who could never repay what they owe. That is what God has done with the sins of any disciple, which are like huge debts that grow every day: God says ‘I release you from that debt’. The man in the parable, however, exacted the last penny from the fellow servant who owed him a trifling amount.

The message of these verses may be summed up thus: ‘God eternally and unconditionally forgives those who repent of so immense a debt against him that it is unconscionable for believers to refuse to grant forgiveness to each other for sins that remain trivial in comparison.’ Like all God’s gifts, forgiveness brings responsibility – it must be passed on.

Prayer: I need this reminder, Lord. You have forgiven me so much. Enable me to always work toward forgiveness in all my relationships.

(From Encounter with God)