"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him!"
- Romans 5:8-9 -
The theme of divine love has been little mentioned so far. Paul has been quite severe, but now that changes. Love has been behind everything that God has done. When we were powerless, ungodly, undeserving, unheeding sinners, God, in love, took the initiative. God’s grace was at work before we cast an upward glance. This is important for how we think of God. As a revelation of the Father’s love, Christ the Son has endured death (v 6) and, so to speak, drawn its sting and swallowed it up in the depth of the divine nature.
The four words, ‘Christ died for us’ (v are so full of meaning that we have yet to fathom their depths. Notice too the simple formula in verse 10: ‘how much more’. If God has done all this for us while we were enemies, how much more will this same God do now that we have been reconciled as friends? We need not fear future judgment (God’s wrath – v 9), or death, or what lies beyond death, or the dissolution of the present order, because in Christ there is life that will endure (v 10).
Closing Prayer: How patient You are Lord. I must surely test Your patience. I thank You that Your mercies are new every morning. That turns my despair into hope.