“What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!”
- Romans 7:24-25 -
Paul’s inner struggle comes from knowing what he ought to do but still being unable to do it. Conversely, he knows what is evil, does not want to do it, but still finds himself doing so (vs 18–20). He is in thrall to sin, a power beyond his capacity to resist. Many people will identify with Paul’s dilemma as they struggle with sin as with an addiction. He now uses the word law in a new way (v 23), as a force that constrains us in directions we do not choose, making us prisoners to ourselves.
Is he describing what drove him to Christ in the first place, or a continuing struggle that besets him even as a believer? To me, it would appear to be a dilemma from which we are never entirely free. A sanctified life never comes without struggle and continual application. Salvation lies only in the living Christ, who has power to lift us beyond our addiction to sin and into life (vs 24,25).
Closing Prayer: Patient One, I know I sing and speak way beyond what is going on inside of me. Forgive me and help me in my desire for sincerity.