Holy Friday Devotion: John 19:30 (Mark Hong)

Holy Friday Devotion:
When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.”
- John 19:30 -

Jesus had three final words, “It is finished!” In Greek, it is one word, tetelestai. In those days, when one was put in jail for a debt, the debt amount was put on his forehead. When the debt was paid, it was replaced with tetelestai. Literally it means, “It is paid in full.” What’s the debt we had? It is our sin. How big was it? Our debt was huge. It is impossible for us to pay it off like the parable of the 10,000 talent debt (1 talent worth $1.25 million). The debt was canceled by a generous master (Mt 18:21). This creditor is Jesus. When Jesus, sinless God, died on the cross, He paid off our debts. He didn’t say, “It is going to be finished.” No, He said, “It is finished.” Completely done. There is no need for any sacrifices because the Lamb of God offered the perfect sacrifice once and for all. There is no work needed to pay the debt. It is finished! It is the good news; you and I are debt-free. We have joy, peace and freedom.

Closing Prayer: Lord Jesus, you were afflicted with my afflictions. I bow before you in this holiest of days, before the mystery of your suffering love.