Exodus 34:6-7 (Mark Hong)

“And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, ‘The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.’”
- Exodus 34:6-7 -

Today’s reading highlights the two biggest themes in the entire Bible.

The first is second chances. That’s what God is giving Moses and the Israelites by replacing the first stone tablets with a second set. After Israel’s failure around the golden calf, God now provides this opportunity to renew the covenant with his people. That’s the big story that began in the Garden of Eden and culminated in the advent, death, resurrection, and eventual return of Jesus Christ.

The second big theme is God’s self-revelation: that’s what the Bible is. In the Old Testament God shows us who he is primarily through mighty works and prophetic words; here those two come together in one incredible experience (v 5). Stop and marvel that we are reading the Creator God of the universe describing his own character!

First, he tells us he’s ‘compassionate … and forgiving’ (vs 6,7), which reminds us that giving second chances is an extension of God’s character, not just Plan B. The flip side is we shouldn’t take this for granted; continuing in sin has long-term consequences (v 7).

The next thing we learn is a little surprising: God says he is jealous (v 14). On the surface, that could have a negative connotation, but here it is positive: God passionately cares about and wants the best for his people, which is why he forbids them from worshipping other gods.

Ultimately, God’s clearest self-revelation was his own Son, the Word made flesh. Jesus Christ was God’s greatest work, God’s final Word, the one and only second chance he offered for all people to be restored to him.

Prayer: Mighty God, your immense mercy and your incredible love have embraced me. I am stunned into silence when I think of your patience and forgiveness (from Encounter with God).