“I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth.”
- Job 19:25 -
‘I know that my redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand on the earth’ (v 25). This personal testimony rings down the ages as witness to the faith that can surmount even Job’s suffering. This is saving faith.
Job’s listing of how desperate and difficult his journey has been, and still is, comes suddenly upon an oasis of hope. He leads up to it with insight into the sovereignty of God. Letting go of his righteous anger about the attacks from his friends, he looks for and finds the hand of God at work in his circumstances (v 21). This is a moment of revelation. Recognizing the sovereignty of God at work in our trials can become a precursor to even greater understanding of his redeeming grace in Christ.
This amazing unveiling that Job receives concerning his future state after death is more remarkable given the age of this book. Long before Christ, he glimpses the hope of bodily resurrection (vs 25–27). He is way ahead of his time, but holding on to that hope of coming glory is precisely what each of us needs to do in times of trial. The same power that revealed it to Job thousands of years ago can open our eyes too. Today we have God’s Word and Spirit to help us. For a moment Job’s attention was taken away from his gaunt, wasting, offensive body, to a day when it would all be destroyed. He declares that through the Redeemer’s appearing, he would see God for himself, clothed in a brand-new body.
Apply: What keeps you going through tough times? Consider Job’s faith and thank God for our hope today.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, you conquered by dying, you led by serving, you lifted me up by lowering yourself. Hallelujah, what a Savior.
(From Encounter with God)