"Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? 54 But how then would the Scriptures be fulfilled that say it must happen in this way?”
- Matthew 26:53-54 -
Jesus’ arrest symbolizes the warfare of peace and truth against violence and lies. No peace comes with Judas’ kiss. Instead, he effectively heads up a lynch mob, reputedly sent by the chief priests and elders, but clearly outside the law. It becomes quickly obvious that violence is not Jesus’ way; it should never be ours. In our own world, we find so often that violence brings only further violence. Jesus rebukes the disciple who attacks the servant, and restores the man’s ear.1 In front of armed men, he makes it clear that he could call angels to blast his enemies – but he doesn’t. For us, too, Christ’s way is that of peace, not military might.
Although it was costly, Jesus made his own response to the arrest. Nothing forced him to come to Jerusalem for Passover. He could have exposed Judas and cut out his betrayal. In the garden, he could have quietly slipped away before the mob arrived. Although his life would be taken brutally from him, he laid it down by choice. Foretold by prophets and in the plan agreed between him and the Father, Jesus’ death was given for you and me. God’s purposes are worked out only by sacrificial love.
APPLY: What does it mean to you in your daily life and relationships to be a follower of the Prince of Peace?
PRAYER: Lord Jesus, I would want to stand firm with you, but I fear I may be more like the disciples who fled. By your Spirit, empower me to stand strong and true for you.
(from a book Encounter with God)
* Lord Jesus, may I be a faithful follower of you and that I may live as a peacemaker and empower me to stand strong and true for you today and everyday. Amen.