Job 42: 2-3 (Mark Hong)

“I know that you can do all things; no purpose of yours can be thwarted. You asked, ‘Who is this that obscures my plans without knowledge?’”
- Job 42: 2-3 -

Surely I spoke of things I did not understand, things too wonderful for me to know.

Job’s season of great distress is about to end. Among his last recorded words are ‘Therefore I … repent’ (v 6). He repents, not of the evil of which his friends accused him, but of the mistake of thinking that he understood things about God that were too wonderful for him to know (v 3). Job’s previous knowledge of the universe was inadequate, but following the remarkable revelation given him, he now knows the Lord of the universe and realizes that he can be trusted. He bows the knee before the one who is in sovereign control of all things. Nothing has yet changed in his condition, but his heart has yielded.


Read verse 2 again and Romans 8:28 and consider the implications for your life. Thank God that he is still in charge and working his purposes out.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, once again I affirm you as the Lord of my life. You have authority over me and I always desire to be your servant.

(From the book Encounter with God)