“David then took up residence in the fortress and called it the City of David. He built up the area around it, from the terraces inward. And he became more and more powerful, because the Lord God Almighty was with him.”
- 2 Samuel 5:9-10 -
Saul may have ruled for 42 years, David for 40, yet whose legacy was most prominent? David grew in power because God was with him (v 10), the relationship was fostered in psalmist as well as soldier (something Saul had abandoned). David humbly honored that relationship above all others. God had once again used his servants on earth to bring his people back together. This is not about making a king but uniting the fractured fragments: ‘All the tribes of Israel came’ (v 1). Our God is always seeking to restore and bring his people into unity and loving relationship as family with him, the true Shepherd King.
APPLY: Do we see our worth as being in actions or ministry, rather than in the loving relationship we have? Commit your life again into God’s hands.
PRAYER: Almighty God, there is nothing too hard for you. Help me to trust you, whatever my circumstances, and to encourage others with the truth of who you are.
(A Summary from Encounter with God)