2 Timothy 2:15 (Mark Hong)

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”

2 Timothy 2:15

Good doctrine is basic to Christian life: we need to handle the Word of truth well (v 15). To do this we must study the Word of God. There are false teachers in the world today, as in Timothy’s time, and if we are not strong in the Word we can easily be swayed. So Paul gives three warnings. First, avoid ‘godless chatter’ (v 16); second, do not get involved in foolish arguments because such arguments are confusing, useless, and even harmful. Third, Paul asks us to ignore unbiblical teaching, such as speculation about the resurrection (vs 17,18).

Instead, we need to study the Bible carefully, spending enough time and be aware of false teaching by the help of the Holy Spirit.


Loving Lord, thank you for your truth that changes lives; may that truth reign in my heart, my words, and my actions. Give me wisdom to share your truth clearly, without compromise, and with love.

(Edited from Encounter with God)