“Then Jesus told them this parable: “Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders.”
Luke 15:3-5
In the parable, the sheep was probably missed just before they headed for home. Other shepherds took the flock back to the village (which is where the shepherd himself went in verse 6) while the shepherd went to seek the lost sheep. Separated from the flock, it was vulnerable. Perhaps walking in a wide perimeter around where the flock had been, the shepherd sought and found the sheep. Swinging it on his shoulders, he rejoiced because it was found. On his return, everyone gathered to rejoice that one of the community’s flock had been found. Similarly, the woman didn’t simply shrug her shoulders because she’d lost a silver coin. Investing time and energy to recover what was lost, she, too, rejoiced with her community when it was recovered.
The Pharisees are invited to understand that, like the shepherd and the woman, Jesus sees himself as responsible for seeking and finding those who are lost. That’s why he rejoices—that’s why heaven rejoices—when they’re found. Jesus suggests, with real irony, that the Pharisees lack that joy of being found (v. 7), because they haven’t realized that they, too, are lost.
In what ways is Jesus using you to seek those who are lost? How can he use you to show his loving care?
Lord Jesus, rescue and protect those who have wandered from you. Find those who are lost; bring them into your fold of love and safety.
(Edited from the book, Encounter with God)