“He replied, ‘I tell you that to everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away. But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill them in front of me.’”
Luke 19:26-27
In addressing the question of when the kingdom would come, Jesus compares himself in verse 12 to a candidate for kingship going to the highest authority to ask for the right to rule (as Herod had done in Rome). Those disputing his claim (v. 14) are the Pharisees and the ruling elite.
The gifts to the ten servants aren’t massive (about four months’ wages for a day laborer), but while his claim is being adjudicated, the master is asking for them publicly to trade in his name. Standing up for him when he’s been confirmed in office requires no courage, but doing so while waiting for his return is a risky, costly loyalty. If it goes against their master, then everything is over for them as well.
That’s why the master rewards the loyalty of the first two servants: ‘because you were faithful in a least thing’ (v. 17, translating literally), ‘take charge of cities.’
It’s about faithfulness, not profit. The increase of responsibility for them both is huge because they’ve been trustworthy—but the third servant’s speech is outrageous. If he really thought his master was like this, as the master points out, surely he would have put the money to work with the bankers? Instead, he’s waited out the interval, not wanting to be publicly loyal until there’s no longer any risk in doing so. Even now he’s confident he’ll suffer no real punishment for his inactivity, a confidence in his master that turns out to be justified because he’s only deprived of the money entrusted to him. He’s risked nothing and suffered no loss. Here, we are challenged to consider how we will wait for the King’s return; as faithful and loyal ones or as His enemies.
While waiting for the King’s return in glory, we’re challenged to show costly loyalty. What might choosing the King look like for you?
Thank you, King Jesus, for all you have done—and continue to do for me. Help me to fulfill your purposes for me, regardless of risk or cost; I long to hear the words spoken to me: ‘Well done, faithful servant!’
(Edited from Encounter with God)