Psalm 89:24 (Mark Hong)

“My faithful love will be with him, and through my name his horn will be exalted.”

Psalm 89:24

This psalm is usually described as a community lament. However, God makes some astounding promises – and he does not renege. He promised to establish King David’s dynasty, not for many generations or many centuries, but simply ‘forever’ (vv. 4, 28, 29)! He would ensure their victory against all comers (vv. 22, 23). As if that was not enough, he sealed the promise with an oath (vv. 3, 35). These are not the words of a fickle human being promising more than he could deliver. Check out the credentials of the One making these promises, in verses 6–14. Surely, nothing, absolutely nothing, could go wrong!

However, things did go wrong. We see quite a dramatic negative turn in verse 38. It was a downward spiral from then on, with no end in sight (vv. 39–45). That was the cause of this community lament; and in our different countries we understand the plaintive cry of verse 46.

How did it come to this for Israel? The problem was that Israel had her part to play – but failed. God’s promises included what would happen if Israel broke his Law – and it was not written in small print (verses 30–32). Thankfully, the sad situation which these verses describe was a temporary aberration, after which God’s incredible promises would continue to be fulfilled (vv. 34–37). Human unfaithfulness does not stop God in his tracks!2


‘Grace’ was the prompt answer by CS Lewis to the question of what makes Christianity different from all other religions. Why do you think this is true?


Loving Father, your grace transforms and renews. Help me to experience and recognize its presence and power in every area of my life, especially when things are difficult.

(from the book Encounter with God)