Hebrews 11:8 (Mark Hong)

“By faith Abraham, when called to go to a place he would later receive as his inheritance, obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going.”

Hebrews 11:8

Our text today deals with the faith of Abraham and Sarah, and the patriarchs Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph. When God called Abraham, he went – not knowing where he was going. Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob camped in what was later to be the Promised Land. They were like aliens, with their eyes on God’s promised future: a city with foundations that went deeper and were more stable than tent pegs; the city that was designed and built by God. This was a future homeland (not the one they had left), a heavenly country, the city God had prepared for them. As for Sarah, even though she was past child-bearing age, by faith she was able to bear the children God had promised. And Joseph? He was so certain that God’s promises go beyond the grave that he would not permit his descendants to bury his bones in Egypt.

Notice how everything is oriented toward their future with the God who has promised that he will ultimately dwell with his people. They had assurance about the things they hoped for and the things they could not see, because they knew God and knew God’s promise to bless. Thus, they could enter a future that was unclear, but assured, for God was with them.


Heavenly Father, there is nothing for which I cannot trust you. No matter what the future holds for me, use my every circumstance to prove your presence with me and to build my confidence in your faithfulness.

(Edited from Encounter with God)