Acts 6:3-4 (Mark Hong)

"So Paul and Barnabas spent considerable time there, speaking boldly for the Lord, who confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders."

Acts 6:3-4

Paul and Barnabas flee to Iconium after being expelled from the region of Pisidian Antioch. This is a journey of at least 90 miles, on the Via Sebaste, a broad and well-paved road connecting local Roman colonies.

Paul and Barnabas speak boldly in Iconium for a ‘considerable time’ (v. 3). Luke adds that the Lord ‘confirmed the message of his grace by enabling them to perform signs and wonders’. The Greek word for sign means a distinguishing mark whereby something is known, or a confirmation. The word for wonder means something that astounds because of its transcendent associations, such as an omen or portent. These concepts summarize the role of the miraculous in the mission: it confirms the message being preached and causes people to wonder in astonishment (this is confirmed in 15:12 before the Jerusalem Council).

Luke is not interested in miracles for their own sake, but in miracles that confirm the truthfulness of the word being proclaimed and make people wonder what power is behind it. I remember that my mother was completely healed from her paralysis in 1979 after a weeklong laying on hand prayer of my aunt. I saw that my aunt was always exalting the name of the Lord Jesus in her healing ministries. This and many other personal experiences have convinced me that God is still doing the sorts of miraculous things described in Acts, just as he has throughout church history. Signs and wonders still authenticate the gospel message today.

Closing Prayer

Almighty God, there is nothing too hard for you; you are the one who is able to do more than I ask or imagine. Help me to pray with persistent boldness, humbly seeking you to meet the needs I bring before you.

(edited from Encounter with God)