Urgent!! Prayer for Myanmar, Missionary Peter Chung & Ling

I want to share something about the ground situation in Burma today. It's been 38 days since the military coup. The situation is more than serious. The internet has been cut off from 1:00 am to 9:00 am everyday. The military and police patrol every night and scared us by detonating bombs across the cities. If you look at the embassies of all foreign countries excluding Chinese embassy, they alert people and ask the military to withdraw their troops from the public areas, apartment places. More than 60 people have been killed brutally and 1000s have been arrested. Especially activists, journalists and protesters are not safe anymore. Five mainstream news agencies are banned by the military. Some are arrested and then killed by persecuting brutally at night. We cannot sleep at night. Jet flights are flying on the city every night. Police enter into the apartment and arrest people who join CDM. In today, more than 300 students were arrested in North Okkalapa( that's a nearby the Galaxy hotel). On March 3 there 32 people were killed on the street at the gateway of Galaxy hotel, North Okkalapa square. So you can imagine how the situation is really really bad. We don't know how the situation would be so serious, it may be worse than 88 Uprising. And it is sure that this situation would last long. Please pray for us. God is only our hope.

Peter Chung: One of CMI Shepherds, Ling, sent me the more vivid pictures of Myanmar today.