Pray! Pray!! for Myanmar!!!

More than 200 protesters have been killed since February 1.

Every night the soldier’s petrol and arrested some young people. The military are much in need of more soldiers. They are recruiting new soldiers. The regime announced to one of the parties called USDP which supports the regime that all young people from this party must join the army. Yesterday, 200 young people were arrested in Seihkanta block and forced to join the army. Every night we hear shooting and explosions. Most of the ministers in Yangon fled away continuously. We are also invited to do the same. But, we will never flee because we have our people here. If running away, we all run. We cannot leave orphans and others.

We are still trying to have only one pair of sleepers at home.

I am much better after taking medication for three days already and two more months to go. Please remember in your prayers. The rest of my family members are doing well in the Lord.

We got two new orphans. They were admitted to another orphanage home. That orphanage home stopped running because of the situation and all of them should go back to their relatives. But two of them have no place to go back. Therefore, two of the new orphans were admitted again yesterday. I will send you a picture of them and their bio later.

We still run our Bible school but four of our students already returned home because their parents requested us since Yangon is not safe. 13 are still studying. Most of them are final year students. They want to graduate regardless of the situation. We all faculty members agree with them and still run the school.

Our daughter churches are still closed. One of our pastor’s family (Pastor CUng Hun Lian family) tried to run away since their place is very dangerous now. There was martial law claimed in their place by the regime days ago. Because of the situation, we have no longer heard about the infection of COVID. We think that the virus also gets involved in CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT. No news about this virus in Myanmar.

In this junta rule, there is no law. You can be arrested any time. Therefore, we must pray and be wise.