Argentina News: Missionary Juan Man Has Passed Away. - Pastor Gustavo

Missionary Juan Man.jpg

[gujesalas] [오전 6:21] Good morning. I have a very sad news. Our Missionary Juan Man from San Justo repently past away.

He was in Korea with his wife. They went to visit their children. Then he felt a pain in his chest. Went to hospital and died in surgery in Pusan.

He was very young, 55 years old.

Please, I'd like to request you to pray for his wife Missionary Lidia and children.

Thank you.

[홍마가] [오전 6:50] Pastor Gustavo, thank you for sending us the news of M. Juan Man. I vividly remember his big smile when he was ordained. Yes, it is truly a sad news but I trust in the Lord's goodness. We will pray for his wife, Lydia, the children and the ministry in San Justo. May God comfort all of Argentine coworkers as well.

[구정오] [오전 6:53] 급성 심근색이 와서 급작스럽게 1시간 전에 주님 품에 안기셨습니다

지금 장례식장에 와서 리디아선교사와 딸 인애와 장로들과 와서 교회장으로 준비중입니다

[홍마가] [오전 6:57] May God give Pastor Gu and all Miraro church members heavenly comfort and strength from the resurrection hope of our Lord Jesus and bless the service of the farewell.

[Abraham Lee] [오전 7:00] It is a really sad news. I pray for m. Lydia and children.

[구정오] [오전 7:36] [Web발신]


급성심근경색으로 문두태선교사께서 오늘 18시 44분에 주님의 품에 안기셨습니다

*빈소: (초량)봉생병원 장례식장 2호실

*입관및위로예배: 4월 11일 주일 오후 5시

*발인예배(천국환송예배): 4월 12일 월요일 오전 7시30분

*출상 8시 영락공원 화장 후 정관 추모공원안치

정금희선교사와 인애, 은총과 유족들과 산후스토목장과 미래로교회와 알젠틴과 전세계선교사위에 부활의 산소망과 하나님의 위로가 함께 하도록 기도합니다

미래로교회 장례부

[Pioneer Kim] [오전 8:16] May God's great comfort come upon M. Lidia& children & family! May God fill them with the hope of the kingdom of heaven!

[Isaac Min] May God comfort the grieving family members with the hope of eternal life in the eternal kingdom of heaven and future glorious bodlily resurrection.