Job 31:1-2 (Mark Hong)

“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman. For what is our lot from God above, our heritage from the Almighty on high?”
- Job 31:1-2 -

There is helpful teaching here on the kind of sin that can flow from an indiscreet use of the eyes. Job speaks of making a covenant with his eyes not to look lustfully on a young woman (v 1). In his day, he was expected to take more than one wife, so it would have been culturally acceptable for him to size up an eligible teenager, but he knows that he needs to make a commitment about this matter, which is significant for most men. In verse 7 he warns that our hearts can be led by our eyes – true for both sexes – and can lead us into sin. Today, let us make a commitment to focus our eyes and our hearts on things that please God.

Apply: ‘Who is a pardoning God like thee, or who has grace so rich and free?’7 Thank God for his grace and commit yourself to be obedient to his Word.

(A Summary from Encounter with God)