"Your word, Lord, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. Your faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and it endures. Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you. If your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life."
Psalm 119:89-93
Throughout Psalm 119, we see references to different threats the psalmist faced. In today’s reading the pressure seems to have reached a boiling point; there’s a sense of urgency in these verses. The writer has been wronged without cause (v. 78) by arrogant, dangerous people (vv. 85–87). What did the psalmist do?
The first thing is to call out to God. Have you ever noticed how prayer comes alive when you are at the end of your rope? Much as we hate it and try to avoid it, being overwhelmed makes us ready to listen. That’s the starting point for effective prayer.
The second thing is to put your hope in God’s Word (vv. 74, 81), which is the heart cry woven throughout this entire psalm. Verses 89 and 90 gives us great hope. Whenever we face stressful, life-altering choices, we turn to the Bible for direction. Our prayer can be, ‘God, I don’t know if I’m making the right decision, or even if I’m interpreting this passage correctly, but I’m going to move forward based on your Word.’ It’s not a magic formula but the fact that God’s Word is eternal and that we do our best to align with it give us direction and peace to step forward in faith when the way was unclear. That’s what it means to put your hope in God’s Word. Amen.
Holy Spirit, build into me a greater desire for prayer and draw me deeper into Scripture. Continue to increase my faith and build my testimony so that I can have greater impact for good on those around me.
(edited from Encounter with God)