1 John 1:2-3 (Mark Hong)

“The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.”

1 John 1:2-3

Devotional from Pasadena, CA

There is a link between fellowship with God, with each other, and joy (vv. 3, 4). When we enjoy fellowship with one another, we enter a deeper relationship with God. At the heart of this is the intimacy between the Father and his Son. It is by amazing grace that we are invited into that love and acceptance – and it leads to joy. John shares in verse 4 the desire of Jesus that our joy might be complete.2 This is part of his purpose in writing the letter, the other part being that we might believe in Jesus and know that we have eternal life (1 Jn 5:13). Once we know this – we should proclaim it!


Reflect on your own experience of the living Jesus, thanking him for joy. Ask him for an opportunity to tell someone about it today.


Lord Jesus, as I thank you for salvation and that you walk with me each day, I ask that you would use me, speak through me, and help me to tell the story of my relationship with you so that others will know the joy that is mine because you called me to be your own.

(Edited from Encounter with God)