2 Years Anniversary of Moving to Dallas, TX (Mark Hong)

"Then the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah: 'I am the Lord, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?'"

Jeremiah 32:26-17

In his prayer, Jeremiah looks back and lists the ‘too hard’ things God had done in Israel’s past, including creating earth and heaven, redeeming his people in the Exodus, and giving them their land. Then he looks out at the siege ramps and remembers God’s instruction to buy the field. God responds to Jeremiah’s prayer by telling of the ‘too hard’ things he was about to do. First, he was about to give Jerusalem (which God loves) into the hands of the Babylonians who would destroy it. Then, God was going to restore Israel to the land so that they would live in safety, so that once again fields would be bought and sold throughout Judah and Benjamin (where Jeremiah’s field was).

Our God would make an everlasting covenant with his people and give them singleness of heart, enabling them to fear God and never turn away again. This he has done in Jesus. Hallelujah!


Mighty Creator and Sustainer, indeed, there is nothing too hard for you. When I doubt, help me to remember the seeming impossible things you have already done, not just in Scripture, but in my own life.

(Edited from Encounter with God)

* Two Years has passed like that of a twinkling of an eye. The Lord has been with us faithfully and established the community of love, here in Dallas (Six families are coworking together). And that we ard holding 2014 CMI International Bible Conference here in Dallas. It is what the Lord has done! Praise be to the Lord God!