"But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who long for your saving help always say, “The Lord is great!” But as for me, I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; Lord, do not delay."
Psalm 70:4-5
This short psalm reminds us that while it is necessary to wait patiently for God to answer our prayers, it is sometimes appropriate to ask God to hurry up. Maybe it is doubly appropriate here, because this plea appears twice in Ps 40 (vs 13,17) and twice in Ps 70 (vs 1,5).
The phrases (5), ‘I am poor and needy … You are my help and my deliverer’ tells of our need and of God’s ability to meet that need, then we can pray in faith. In between the pleas for God to hurry up is the five times repeated expression ‘may those ….’ The first three requests are for God to shame the psalmist’s enemies. The last two requests concern all who seek God and long for him to act: may God bring them joy and gladness, and may he open their mouths with the confession ‘The Lord is great!’ (v 4).
As we look at our need and God’s ability to meet that need, and as we experience God’s grace in doing so, we too should give thanks and praise to God, declaring his greatness.
Whatever happens today, Lord, I know that I can come to you for help, and I am trusting that your timing is perfect in all things.
(Edited from Encounter with God)