Madison CMI News: Happy Easter! from Pastor Mark Hong

Happy Easter!!!


Yesterday was our first face to face worship.

We celebrated Easter,

Baptism of Brian Emmons. Brian joined our church last year. He was living in utter darkness but received Jesus as his Lord and Savior during the pandemic. He has been growing as a disciple through weekly Bible study.

We also celebrated a baby dedication. Josue and Allison joined our church in 2019 right before the pandemic. Their baby was born last March 2020.

Praise the Lord who does his life-giving work even in the dark time.

"I" Nation

By the grace of God, we are going to finish our bible theology semesters which we started in January 2021. Whereas, we are going to start the new semester for which we are in need of the teachers so I request you to please have a look at the subjects and please help us accordingly. We will be very thankful to you.


1. Old Testament Theology

2. Hermeneutics

3. Medieval Church History

4. Mission Anthropology



Shepherdess Nisha


* if you want to participate in teaching any subject, let me know.

Keep on Praying for MUST

Dear coworkers,

Today the military leaders came to MUST and demanded a list of all the residents including MUST students and staffs. Pastor David and his staffs worried about possible danger on them and decided to have the students for early graduation next Tuesday and each go back home. It's very sad that they have to leave the school without graduation ceremony after 4 years of hardships. But this is the best direction for their safety. Now only the orphans and MUST staffs will stay in the campus. CMI Shepherds are split to each way to live their own life. Weekly Bible study through email is the only way to support them. Please pray for them and Pastor David to overcome many burden through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Pray! Pray!! for Myanmar!!!

More than 200 protesters have been killed since February 1.

Every night the soldier’s petrol and arrested some young people. The military are much in need of more soldiers. They are recruiting new soldiers. The regime announced to one of the parties called USDP which supports the regime that all young people from this party must join the army. Yesterday, 200 young people were arrested in Seihkanta block and forced to join the army. Every night we hear shooting and explosions. Most of the ministers in Yangon fled away continuously. We are also invited to do the same. But, we will never flee because we have our people here. If running away, we all run. We cannot leave orphans and others.

We are still trying to have only one pair of sleepers at home.

I am much better after taking medication for three days already and two more months to go. Please remember in your prayers. The rest of my family members are doing well in the Lord.

We got two new orphans. They were admitted to another orphanage home. That orphanage home stopped running because of the situation and all of them should go back to their relatives. But two of them have no place to go back. Therefore, two of the new orphans were admitted again yesterday. I will send you a picture of them and their bio later.

We still run our Bible school but four of our students already returned home because their parents requested us since Yangon is not safe. 13 are still studying. Most of them are final year students. They want to graduate regardless of the situation. We all faculty members agree with them and still run the school.

Our daughter churches are still closed. One of our pastor’s family (Pastor CUng Hun Lian family) tried to run away since their place is very dangerous now. There was martial law claimed in their place by the regime days ago. Because of the situation, we have no longer heard about the infection of COVID. We think that the virus also gets involved in CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT. No news about this virus in Myanmar.

In this junta rule, there is no law. You can be arrested any time. Therefore, we must pray and be wise.

Urgent Prayer for Pastor David in Myanmar, Missionary Peter Chung

Prayer request: Doctors said Pastor David is suffering heart attack (arteriosclerosis). I'm sorry for late info. Today, Pastor Moe Moe told me that they would go to hospital for medical check up if he (Pastor David) needs for surgery. If he needed surgery, it will take at least three days for major surgery. If not, they'd give some medicine for cure. Let's for Pastor David. This time a serious time for us. The military imposed martial law in Yangon's four township including North Okkalapa. It's really dangerous to go out. Let's pray for our safety and Pastor David's health.

Peter: Please pray for Pastor David to be recovered from heart attack.

Urgent Prayer for Dominican R. from Rebeca Kim

Peterly 17 year old boy in Dominican Republic suffers with Guillain-Barré Syndrome. He is the son of Enoch who is one of the most faithful shepherds DR CMI.

GBS is the condition in which the immune system attacks the nerves. The condition may be triggered by an acute bacterial or viral infection.

He is in hospital and will be treated for 5 days. This GBS is very dangerous. Pray for him and the family.

Urgent!! Prayer for Myanmar, Missionary Peter Chung & Ling

I want to share something about the ground situation in Burma today. It's been 38 days since the military coup. The situation is more than serious. The internet has been cut off from 1:00 am to 9:00 am everyday. The military and police patrol every night and scared us by detonating bombs across the cities. If you look at the embassies of all foreign countries excluding Chinese embassy, they alert people and ask the military to withdraw their troops from the public areas, apartment places. More than 60 people have been killed brutally and 1000s have been arrested. Especially activists, journalists and protesters are not safe anymore. Five mainstream news agencies are banned by the military. Some are arrested and then killed by persecuting brutally at night. We cannot sleep at night. Jet flights are flying on the city every night. Police enter into the apartment and arrest people who join CDM. In today, more than 300 students were arrested in North Okkalapa( that's a nearby the Galaxy hotel). On March 3 there 32 people were killed on the street at the gateway of Galaxy hotel, North Okkalapa square. So you can imagine how the situation is really really bad. We don't know how the situation would be so serious, it may be worse than 88 Uprising. And it is sure that this situation would last long. Please pray for us. God is only our hope.

Peter Chung: One of CMI Shepherds, Ling, sent me the more vivid pictures of Myanmar today.

Because of the hope of Israel! (Kwangok Koh)

Acts 28:16,20,30,31

COVID-19 pandemic has developed into a full-fledged force for the last eight months and pushed all the people of the world to an entreched position. The virus-caused disease is driving many hundreds, even thousands, of peope to death bed every day. The future lies in dense fog, since no one can give a definite answer to the question of when the pandemic could be overcome or finished., It is my earnest prayer that almighty God our Father be with you amid this pandemic. May our heavenly Father keep all the missionaries and their children under his guard day and night to the end!

In these days of gloomy darkness and painful suffering, what I want to do is to share the Hope—the Hope of Israel, the Hope of God—with you in the text: Acts 28:16,20,30, and 31.

“And when we came into Rome, Paul was allowed to stay by himself with the soliders who guarded him.” (16)

In the earlier part of his epistle of Romans, Paul confessed repeatedly his yearning desire to go to Rome. “I long to see you.” (1:11) “I have often intended to come to you.” (1:13) “I am eager to preach the gospel to you who are in Rome.” (1:15) “I have longed for many years to come to you.” (15:23) Since the Rome stood in a unique position at the heart of the vast Roman empire, the capital city was considered as the most strategic place for evangelizing efforts, so as to  conquer the world with gospel. That was why Paul had kept his longing and cherishing desire to come to Rome and to preach the gospel there. Now at last he arrived in Rome, after going through all the perils and adverse circumstances on the way. How excited he might have been when he finally anchored his feet on the soil of the Rome! It was the critical moment in his life. The arrival is also recorded as a pivotal point in the church history.

However, unfavorable occasions awaited him. Verses 16, 20, and 30 suggest that Paul was put into prison, bounded with chains and guarded by the Roman soldiers day and night.  What a frustrating, hopeless, and dark situation Paul was located in his old age! But, it surprises us when we read Paul’s confession in the situation. Paul confessed that he was full of hope in verse 20. “It is because of the hope of Israel that I am bound with this chains.” Paul confessed that he had found the reason, the meaning, and the purpose of God in his sufferings: ‘because of the hope of Israel’. Then let’s consider what ‘the hope of Israel’ is.

Verses 23 and 31 reveal to us what Paul was doing while staying in prison in Rome. He was devoted to preaching the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. The kingdom of God and Jesus Christ the Lord, these are the two core contents of Paul’s teaching and preaching. As prophesied in the Law of Moses and the prophets, ‘the kingdom of God’ has been fulfilled by and in our Lord Jesus Christ.  ‘The kingdom of God’, this is the hope of Israel, the hope of God, and the core and the summary of the gospel. ‘The kingdom of God’, this was the main theme and contents of Jesus’ teaching and ministry. The gospel begins with the preaching of Jesus, “The time has come. The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe in the good news.” (Mark 1:14) This was the hope and vision of Abraham, Daniel, David, and all the prophets.

Paul, though he was physically restrained and bound by chains in the prison, was full of this hope and vision. This hope drove his heart to be beating boldly, and his eyes to be beaming brightly. All the men of God are the men of the hope of this great, high, and noble cause, of the hope of God. God called us with this hope, to this hope, the hope of the kingdom of God, so that not only may we possess and enjoy the kingdom, but also build and expand it. No matter what our circumstances and conditions of life may be, let’s be men and women of God, full of this hope and vision.

In reality, what could Paul do in his prison without freedom to move? What we find is that the situation did not hinder him from sharing the hope of God. First, for the whole two years in imprisonment Paul preached to the visitors the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ. Though Paul was not allowed to travel out of the prison, he had visitors. Brothers and sisters from the Roman church, and from all over the world gave him a visit constantly. Paul welcomed all who came to him with all his heart, love, and humility. He seized the moment to preach to them and to teach them. The word of God couldn’t be bound. Second, his situation bound by chains and guarded by the soldiers in prison turned into an opportunity that the gospel flowed into the whole palace guard. Because Paul was a prisoner to the court of the emperor, the palace guard took turns to guard him, one by one, each four hours a day. Six of the palace guard, the high-ranked officers of more than three thousand in the number, stayed close by to Paul and guarded him in their turns. When Paul preached to and taught the visitors from morning till night, the guard in close proximity had an open chance to hear the gospel. Paul showed love, kindness, and humility in his prison life. Paul’s humble attitude along with the powerful words of God might have influenced all the three thousand palace guard who came into close contact with him for the duration of two years. In this way the gospel came into the very heart of the palace of Rome. This was the heralding event that the Roman Empire would turn into the kingdom of God. Likewise, the way of God’s work is so mysterious that goes beyond our understanding. Whatever place or circumstances we may be situated in, let’s find what we can do and be faithful to small things, to plant the seed of kingdom of God. God will use it to change the world.

The book of Acts concludes in 28:31 with one word in Greek: ἀκωλύτως. It means ‘unhindered, or without hindrance’. This adverb is derived from the verb, κωλύω, which means ‘to hinder, prevent, stop or forbid’. The letter ἀ is the prefix with the meaning of ‘not’. How great and significant is that the one word ἀκωλύτως is the final conclusion of Acts! No hindrance! No prevention! No stop! There is no one, nothing that hinders, prevents, or stops the work of God, and the steps of our missionaries. Because it is the will of God and the work of the Holy Spirit, triumphant marching-on of the gospel will continue to the end of the earth, during COVID-19 and in the post-COVID-19 era, and until the day of our Lord Jesus’ coming.

Hallelujah, Amen!

Kwangok Koh
Retired pastor
Suwon Mission Church, South Korea

Missionary In Rome, Italy (Won Polycarp)

Dear loving and honoring GCMI missionaries and its family,

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19

I could accept God’s vision for big change and could set up the direction for spiritual battle through holding the word of Isaiah 43:19. This word was the main theme of the new year Europe CMI missionary conference. I couldn’t understand why God put us in COVID 19 pandemic situation. When I prayed, I could understand that God will do news things among us. We decided not to close our church; to keep open as the place of prayer and worship. We encouraged each family hold worship service with their children. We cared the sheep who can’t come to church through phone calls or SNS. We studied Luke’s Gospel in our worship. We held our prayer meetings 2 times a week, every Wednesday and Lord’s day with 3 leaders.

I want to share 2 major things out of so many graces given during COVID 19. Firstly, 4 people who didn’t get baptism yet decided to live as Jesus’ disciples. They have grown up through the regular Bible study and worship service. It is not easy to get even one native disciple in the foreign land. There have been many difficulties for 6 years since we had planted a church in working class residential area where even local ministers gave up to work due to its difficulties. But God did His new work, making a way in wilderness through our humble dedication and intercessory prayers of our coworkers in the whole world. There will be baptism ceremony on July 5th; Fulvio, Vincenzo, Giovanni, and Marilena.

Secondly, God has given new vision for Italian mission. The second generation (our children) have their own difficulties which we don’t understand all. There was amazing work; we could communicate with them though they closed their heart for 10 years. They started to study the Bible together. Our Friday youth meeting is going with new vision and vitality. I had impure motive; I wanted to exploit my children for God’s mission after training them. I changed my heart. Through communicating with my children, I started to take up the burden of prayer for them to meet Jesus personally and they be used by God with all their talents and gifts in His grace. My first son, David is in the one year course of young leader internship. I am praying for opening new mission for youth through him. He will come back in early November after finishing the internship.

God has given us new vision for mission work. During the COVID 19 pandemic periods, we had 100 days united prayer. We received new vision of planting new churches by enlarging our tent. I really feel lack of workers though the harvest fields are vast. God has given our church new vision to plant and support 100 churches directly and indirectly. When we challenged to do native ministry in 2009, God has helped us to support 3 churches for the past 10 years. During this COVID 19 times, God has given us new vision for pioneering new churches and we have shared this vision with our missionaries.

We really thank to GCMI missionaries and its family who supported us with such an intensive prayers and abundant materials in the fullness of Christ’s love. We know that we do not deserve this love. So we have a holy burden and we make up our mind firmly to do God’s work. May God bless your hands of prayers bountifully. I pray for new church planting, the revival of our church to be doubled, and new work of second generation of missionaries. We sincerely appreciate to all your prayer, love, and service for us.

Sincerely yours,
Won Polycarp,
Missionary in Rome, Italy

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