“Then Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; or about your body, what you will wear. For life is more than food, and the body more than clothes.’”
- Luke 12:22-23 -
In the previous text, Jesus warned us of our greed (the parable of the rich fool) and in today’s text, Jesus tells us to guard our worries. We worry about what we will eat, drink and what we will wear. We worry about our job searching, health and future security. In verses 24 and 27, Jesus tells us to 'consider' how God provides for ravens and wild grass. In fact, God cares for His creatures and provides for their needs. How much more for us; we are created in His image and He even redeemed us by sacrificing His Son. He meets our needs in the riches of His glory (Phi 4:19). He is pleased to give us His kingdom (32). So, we don't need to spend our precious time in worrying. Instead, we should first seek His kingdom. We enjoy the rule of Christ in His love and peace. We should dedicate ourselves to expanding His kingdom. I came to the US in 1982 with $150. I even used all of it to attend a Bible conference. I started my life in the US with nothing. When I dedicated my time and materials for His kingdom, the Lord took care of my needs and family’s needs. I shouldn't worry about anything. I still worry about many things, our church's future, where I should go after retiring and will I have enough for my retirement, etc. Jesus tells me not to worry and to seek His kingdom first. Jesus is my God, my redeemer and my Lord, who abides and provides all.
Prayer: Lord, I cast all my burdens to you and seek you and your kingdom with all my heart. Please leads us in your Immanuel grace.